The Graffiti Scrapbook | Real Decals
Creating graffiti assets without a Wacom

Our collaborations with Graffiti artist BRIKS have always been two things: explorative and real.
So with that in mind, here is the first version of The Graffiti Scrapbook.

The Assets
The Graffiti Scrapbook is a set of 163 Graffiti decals for 3D texturing and graphic design. They are for everyone who appreciates rough, real realism for their 3D urban scenes.
163 pieces of art, spray painted on a wall. We cleaned every Alpha mask, leaving us with realistically sized, flowing and paint-splattered Graffiti Decals.

Texture + Movement = Realism
The goal of this Graffiti Pack was to capture the movement and texture of real graffiti. Everything leaves a mark: the nozzle used on the can and the distance between spray and wall.
No piece is alike, and even the same words look distinctly different.

We’re sure to keep it going with the collaborations between Blauw Films and BRIKS. They bring us everything we love about making art: get together and make something dope.
In the meantime, check out The Graffiti Scrapbook. Let’s GO!