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Blauw Films
All Blauw Films Resources are now Free!
Since the beginning of Blauw Films we have been focused on our original productions. And all this time, we have developed production resources to tackle unique filmmaking problems.
And today I'm incredibly excited to announce that, all Resources have been made permanently Free!
Download Free Resources for Creators
Filmmaking is difficult. And all over the world, creators are putting all their efforts into achieving their Dream artwork.
However, there is a clear lack of access in the film-industry when it comes to Network, Resources, Knowledge and Sustainable Business Models.
The ideas we have at Blauw Films are ambitious and in many ways impossible to achieve with our current skillsets, network or resources.
And the more we speak to creators internationally, the more we learn that this is not the exception but the common state of things.
Wouldn't it be great if we could all access each other's existing solutions?
How about access the right knowledge through the right people for your unique use-case?
And how about having access to the exact tailor made revenue streams that perfectly align with your project?

Solving problems together is much more effective than working alone. With open-source, we can build upon the knowledge others have provided, and grow to new heights, together.
It is about tackling those challenges that "Stop" us from achieving our ambitions.
Eliminating these challenges and providing open solutions empowers creators all over the world to create with momentum.
Developing Production Assets
We are currently featuring an ever-growing library of production resources used directly in our Productions. The problems we face during the productions of Syntactic Labyrinths, Operation: Deli Platter and more, are tackled by the talented artists working on the film.
From there we share the resources publicly on our website and with the relevant communities online and offline.
All the solutions are welcome!
This has helped us evolve our Earth Digital 3D setup for Syntactic Labyrinths from a low-fidelity planet asset to an 86K Earth with functioning atmosphere.
By making all of our resources Free, utilizing an MIT License, we wish to provide creators with clear cut examples of how we tackled a problem and what the solution for it is. We will continue updating the library with new versions of older resources as well as completely new resources as we face new challenges.
Problems in the Entertainment Industry
Over the years we have spoken personally to many creators, executives and consumers of the creative industry. However, we will keep our conversation directed towards the film and animation industry as that's where most of our expertise comes from.
Below we've mapped out the general problem categories that all members of the industry have to deal with:

Building a Community Portal
So, Free Resources is only the beginning. We will continue developing our original productions and sharing everything we can to add value to the community. However, the problems that the industry is facing have to be solved from the outside inwards.
We should all be looking for which piece of the puzzle we are ourselves.
And how do we fit in the bigger picture?
For now I can tell you this. Our developers are working hard on building a tool for all creators and executives in the industry.
We are building out the Open-source Repository for the creative industry — Blauw Portal. There will be an official announcement of the Portal, but for now you can sign up to the Waitlist through the Portal page.
Let's build the future of the film industry together!