Descent into the Desert
What lies beyond the sands?
Operation: Deli Platter

In Operation: Deli Platter we follow the story of multiple different groups. From the special operations performed by the Deli Squad, who are deeply in search of the Deli Platter, to the Free Nations in the process of discovering what’s behind the banana trade routes.
Contemporary Warfare
Both stories seem to be initially disconnected, even though slivers of context bring them much closer than initially expected.
The Free Nations are the new global state that has enforced peace for several decades. It is governed by the collectively elected Leader.
The Leader of the Free Nations has many borders to protect and even more trade routes to control.
One of these trade routes is the trans-african banana network, which goes all across Afri Proxica.

Bananas are continuously being exported from Afri Proxica at a higher rate than ever.
While inconspicuous banana colored banana clips are imported and traded for the healthy produce. The continent has slowly been depleted of its natural food supply while their resources for war have steadily increased.
Free Nations soldiers have been sent out to the middle of the trans-african network to investigate. They have the full support of the Leader and the two strongest corporations, the Toy Factory and Board of Health.

The Free Nations soldiers will travel throughout the depths of the night to reach a clandestine Banana-clip factory.
However, no training at the camp or in virtual-reality will prepare them for a head-on fight with those freedom fighters on the side of the Afri Proxica. From the Militia Brava de Compagnie to the Force Communautaire (FC), there is true passion for survival empowered by near infinite firepower in between the Free Nation soldiers and the Toy Factory...