The Desert Exfil
3D Rendering a thick dust storm
Operation: Deli Platter

As the storm kicks up the soldiers of the Free Nations proceed ahead through the desert sands. The lands of Afri Proxica are mostly a mystery to this squad. Danger might lie beyond any dune.
World-Wide Warfare
From the comfort of the Free Estate, The Leader of the Free Nations is analyzing his different players on the global playing field. Outside of the Free Nations there is no peace. Inside however, there is. And it's essential to maintain this exact status quo.
To ensure continuous peace in the Free Nations the far away lands of Afri Proxica need to be controlled. It is their biggest export state of fresh and tasty bananas. However, through their biggest private weapons manufacturer, it is also their biggest importer of banana clips.
To ensure that there is no civil war between the Militia Brava de Compagnie and the Force Communautaire, the Free Nations Peace Force is sent in to eliminate troubles. Their Blackhawk helicopter is stationed on the far-eastern dunes, while two FNPF soldiers travel towards a Toy Factory that has been taken hostage.

Something lies in the dunes ahead of them. With their blue lasers and lights shining through the blowing sand, the FNPF moves in on the zone of interest.
Dead soldiers. They are wearing gas-masks and protective wear.
Why are these rogue soldiers in the desert?

It seems like they have been killed recently.
There is a village nearby with an alleged weapon manufacturing plant. Could these soldiers have had conflict with them?
The Free Nations proceed through the storm towards the village.
There must be a connection to those bananas on the news…