Eve - Shower Scene Breakdown
Creating an Uncanny Bathroom Scene
Apple Rot

During a later scene in Apple Rot we see Eve who has just come out of the shower.
From both a technical and creative stand-point it was important to define the feeling of this scene.
The Design Process
Together with Charlotte Simons we discussed the look and outfit that Eve would wear. We were looking for a natural sense of sensuality. But one that felt more deceiving than sexy.
Charlotte landed on this look of Eve wearing a skimpy top and underwear:

The next step was recreating Eve in 3D. Charlotte took control over the 3D-sculpting process in Zbrush to create a realistic Eve.
She will write an article on the process of sculpting, texturing and making the clothing in Marvelous Designer.
We used Mixamo for a simple rig and posing in a subtle idle state. For a still this pose was defined well enough to give a sense of motion in the scene.

In the meantime it was my responsibility to design the bathroom and start building out the shaders.
I modeled the bathroom in Cinema 4D and textured it in Substance Painter. We were looking for an interesting mix of old-looking wallpaper, next to dark wood and bathroom tiles.

The floor-plan and layout of the bathroom is based on how I imagine the shot will play out. As a director I tend to visualize the scenes of the film in my mind before committing to the coverage. While writing the script I knew there was a small and short hallway that leads into the open area of the bathroom.

This is important for the composition of an eerie wide-shot looking into the bathroom.

After a day or two of work we had completed the setup and all assets could be put together. The final step after texturing was adding Hair to the Eve model. We did this using the Cinema 4D Hair tool and rendering it with the Chaos Corona Hair material.

And that is a short breakdown of the bathroom shot in Apple Rot. At this point we are still setting up everything required to make the short film a reality.
Creating these example scenes is great to get a sense of the scope of the work that will be required.
Do you want to learn about how we created the running water from the shower? Then read the following blog on creating a shower in Cinema 4D for Apple Rot.