Dorogon, a young man trying to find his place in a dystopian world where there are hardly any women left. He’s surrounded by his father and brother, who desperately wants to find females, sacrificing their humanity in order to reproduce and to carry on their heredity...
In this story, Dorogon struggles with primal urges in a dystopian world. He must choose between becoming like them or finding a new path.
As they follow a group of women across a desert on a distant planet, secrets emerge. Dorogon faces moral dilemmas, exploring the harsh truths about survival, reproduction, and the thin line between human and beast...
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© 2022 Immortalité
Developed by Valentín Borowczyk and Robin Ecalard
Immortalité© is a co-production project that is published and developed with Blauw Films©.
Resources have been developed open-source for Immortalité©.
Resale and modification is only allowed under the MIT License. All rights reserved.
See for full usage rights.
For Licensees interested in working with us by licensing our IP please see for more information.
[1]: Dreams of Blauw are any form of crystallised thought based on honest expression. Sometimes they linger a shade of blue in your after-image.