Pattern Blocks

An Archive of Vintage Sewing Patterns

The Pattern Blocks Archive is a collection of digitalised clothing patterns. Use the patterns to create authentic vintage styles. These patterns can be used for both digital fashion and costume design.

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Developed by
Charlotte Simons
Product Type
Digital Clothing Patterns
License Type
MIT License
Width and Height
Download Size
30 MB

90's clothing patterns (.ai & .png)

Authentic Vintage Patterns

Real vintage patterns are hard to come by, especially in a digital pdf format. The Pattern Blocks Archive aims to make vintage patterns more accessible to more designers.

All pattern pieces are named and written instructions are provided on the pattern, making it easier to understand for beginners.
The patterns are meant to be traced in any cloth or pattern software, then fitted to the desired size.

These vintage pattern pdf's are free to download, and we'll work to expand the archive as much as possible. If you're interesting in adding to the archive, reach out to Charlotte directly.

Design Period Accurate Characters

The look of vintage clothes starts with the pattern. All patterns in this archive are extracted from commercial pattern magazines, and are authentic vintage.

You can use the patterns to design clothes in Marvelous Designer or CLO 3D for game characters. Or print the patterns to sew clothes for costume design or personal use. The patterns are not graded.

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© 2023 The Pattern Blocks Archive
© 2024 Pattern Blocks
Developed by Blauw Films

During our Research and Development of the creation of 3D characters and clothing we discovered about the need for archival clothing patterns that express the time they come from. By scanning and digitalising the original paper patterns, we can digitize the pattern extraction process and protect the original paper patterns from use. The preservation of commercial paper patterns is the main objective of The Pattern Blocks Archive.

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