Supporter contributions are non-refundable. That money keeps our services running, and is used to make open source and open content productions possible. We truly care about our members and supporters though — in case you are really not happy with Blauw Films we will kindly respond to your comments and try to settle a dispute with you in harmony. Refunds will happen without delay when we get a report of fraud, abuse or non-authorised usage of funds. Contact
Blauw Films offers payment options through major credit cards, PayPal or direct bank transfer.
The money Blauw Films makes through purchases and unlocks is used to keep our services running, and to make open source and open content productions possible. Throughout production our team produces training, resources and assets for the community, as well as special rewards for supporting members.
Blauw Films is a film studio that develops original films and shares everything with our global community. The films we make serve as Research and Development for Learning material, Resources and Solutions. Our aim is to lead by example, allowing everyone into our ecosystem to learn, connect and grow.
[1]: Dreams of Blauw are any form of crystallised thought based on honest expression. Sometimes they linger a shade of blue in your after-image.